Blaze and other things

I don't have a lot to say today, not a lot happened. I'm really worried about Blaze, she's under mountain's of stress lately and it's really dragging her down. No sleep + family stuff + family stuff + more family stuff + school = Steph wants to die. My job is to make her feel better and let her know that there is at least one person that thinks of her above anyone else. That she is wonderfull and awesome and even though I don't get a lot of time with her now, it'll change after exams. Even though I have to go away for christmas, we'll get a full week after I get beack before school starts.

I don't mean to sound presumptuous but Blaze really needs me right now and I'm feeling bad that I can't give her more time. Not that I don't have t just other circumstances deny...

As for my diary, I've been looking through the entries of some of my friend's diaries - Mawce's particualarly - and find myself quite envious of thier content when compared to mine. I feel like a bumbling idiot because I'm rather slow and my language use is not terribly clever or wity. It irks me that I can't write interestingly enough to gather readers. I'm writing myself here, too bad myself ins't as interesting as most on diaryland!

Any feedback on my new template would be welcome, I like getting guesbook signing as much as anyone... sorry, I've worked myself into domewhat of a bad mood. Anyways, as cool as I personally think the layout is, it's not wat I'm looking for and when I get some time I'm going to work on something a little less geeky.

I bought a tv and flipped the vertical yoke today. Now I have a tv with an upsidedown picture, fabulous; hope to get it mounted and build so I can start enjoying projected movies. My stupid playstation broke so I'll have to fix that before I can play DDR... damn everything going to hell, why can't something go right for a change?



11:13 pm - November 25, 2002
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