Ok, time to update. It's been a while. I went to Ontario for Christmas and that was ok, though I missed Blaze terribly it was still fun to see my cousins and uncles and aunts that I haven't seen in two years, and have a eral chance to sleep for the first time in too long - which I botched by staying up late anyways!

Last night, over to Blazs house and it was fun to run cables through the house and move computers and such, I like that sort of thing. Though for some reason I got really frustrated, I think I'm just overtired but I don't know why because I have been getting 8 hours sleep most nights, I remember when I only got 5 hours a night and I felt much better then this, it's odd, I hope I'm not sick.

My whiole body aches too, even typing is painfull. :(

Gave Blaze a hippo for new years and she liked it so that's good.

Um... I need to do lots of stuff like figure out what courses to take, go to the zoo Friday maybe, try out some cool recipes before I'm back at school, spend lots of time with Steph, and put up my black cieling.

ok I'm done


10:24 am - January 06, 2003
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