I feel frustrated and isolated. I can't confide in anyone because all I'll get is retribution. My friends are always going through tough times anyways. I have always been strong, I don't know why I feel bad all the time. I thought that spending some time with Blaze tonight would have been fun but I found myself wishing I had not gone on my way home and I don't know why.It's not that I don't care, it's just that I'm tired. It's not that I'm giving up it's just that I'm finding it harder and harder to see the point of all this. It's harder to convince myself that I'm doing things the way I ought to... I know that probably doesn't make sence, it's supposed to be cryptic.

I want to get in shape

I want to lose wait

I want to find my love again

I want to have energy

I want to want

I want to care

I want to understand

I want to know

I want to be imporatant and know it

I want to be loved and know it

I want to love and know it

I don't know what I want, just for things to hurt less and people to care more and life to be fairer and good things to happen without bad things necesarily following.

I don't know how to fix stuff, including me, I dunno, these are just random thoughts that I decided to jot in my spot.


12:08 am - February 01, 2003
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