I'm back

Well here I finally am again. I decided that I wanted to work on my diary a little bit more so I found a picture to use and worked on it a bit, same as it always is, I just look at the clock now and realize it's 2 am, I thought it was only around 12:30 oops... But it's cool and coming along, I still have to create that cast list page since I have the link for it...

Twas a good day, I now work at Heritage Park or those of you who don't know that and I find it to be a wonderfull sort of community of people, sort of like most people are nice and it almost seems like you're not really working at all but living in this old town with your friends, doing stuff. Like chopping wood and then delivering it to the townspeople in a horse drawn wagon and chatting with the people at each stop about what they do and such. Everyone is in costume and to a certain extent, living the lives of the era, and with that comes an atmosphere of another time, I get a sence of honesty, good will, little stress and good times. There's a event coming soon where we get free food and just get to meet people from around the park and I'm really looking forward to it. Also, my Blaze works there so i can just go and say hi on my break and she leaves notes in my luch and that brings back toughts of high school notes and the excitement of begginings and good times and it's just a very good feeling. We mow the grass and chop the wood and set up tents and it's great because the mindset is fun, all my coworkers are great and I just generally enjoy myself, I look back on a day of work as an experience that I'd like to repeat, and look forward to the next day, and I even get payed a lot for it. Most of the guys I work with are older and keep coing back to work, it feels good to be working at a place that I don't believe is a waste of time - especially since it's just a summer job, hopefully my career will be as great.

It's been ages since I updated last and I can't hope to talk about everything that's happened but I will mention that as me and my dad were driving aross Canada, he hit a moose with his truck and it ended up inside the trailer he was pulling, for those of you who don't know very much about hitting moose - this is something that doesn't happen ever, so it was a bit odd. The first thing the cops asked was if we wanted to keep the moose. We said no. too bad we were stuck in Wawa for 3 days, there's really not a lot to do there.

I wish I were a better storyteller, all I know is that some people can just write interesting stuff, while I tend to babble, especially when I trying the write a story, I'm pretty good at being interesting if I'm conveying my though on this or that, but telling stories is not my forte. I'm sure that by this point a lot of pepople will have stopped reading, that's assuming that a lot of people end up reading this... who knows...

Anyways, night time, bye


1:55 am - May 25, 2003
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