hp stuff
Today was a good day. I got to spend quite a bit of it with Graham again, convinving him that even though he's awfull around women, he really should ask her out, I mean he likes her and all but he's incredibly unsure of himself and thinks far too deeply about everything. After the entire summer, he finally asks someone out, at least he better have asked her out... And it's awesome because they seem to like each other. We shall see how things turn out. He was thinking about her all week.

Anyways, enough of this. Thanksgiving at Stephs was very good tonight, even if I lost (very badly) my dice war with Phil. Oh well, I think I should get s special prize for getting 0 points, it's pretty impressize after all.

Anyways, I'm tired.

Becky - don't be dumb. You are Beutiful, nice and smart, and being cute is not a bad thing, I don't care what you think. Anyways, you are not always cute, just when you are in costume, and trust me that's saying something, since it's imposible to be hot in costume, cute is about the best it gets. But I feel a hole forming beneath me so I'll stop now... I love spending time with you (what little time I do spend that is) and I think you're great, I'm not sure why you're so down on yourself :( and you are certainly not fat! but you know that. And tomorow I will bring you cookies to prove you are great! (or at least I'll try very hard to remember) but then again, you'll probably not read this until after I see you tomorow, so we shall see how thing turn out.

Off to bed with me!



12:57 am - October 11, 2004
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