well I'm in a shitty mood right now. lot's of little things and me blowing things way out of proportion in my mind and now here I am mad at everyone and ready to break things... And the day was going so well too but there's just a point where I can't take it anymore you know. At least dinner was good, but you know I'm just this crazy guy that nobody really likes and it sucks, but that's selfish of me, I'm just not so interesting you know and I have to deal with it. And today Steph was being all bad and you know i just have troubles dealing with it sometimes, and today was one of those times, but at least work was good, I've got the Phidgets working pretty well from Mac so that's cool, I'm starting to think that maybe I am good at this stuff after all...

And just things aren't working out like I'd like them too. I think part of the problem is that I've been sleeping more lately. It seems that when I was staying up I was never really tired and it was good but now that I'm going to bed at midnight and getting 8 hours I'm all groggy and sleepy all the time, tell me how that makes sense!!!!!

I wanted to talk to Lauren and every time I saw her online I didn't have time to talk and now that I do, she's not online anymore.

I just wish I were more interesting, I still don't really get the whole having friends thing, I'm not sure how it works, but I do know that you need to talk or nothing will ever happen.

But I do talk more when I'm angry because I just don't care at that point, like now.

I saw Laura last night and that was fun, we played air hockey and I actually won a game, and we played this game where we shoot at stuff and i died first so that was a little depressing.

I was at the park last Saturday and I'm thinking I might go this Saturday as well and visit some other people, because otherwise I'll just sit at home and be bored anyways.

And with that, I'm off. Shall I watch a movie or go to bed?


11:29 pm - June 09, 2005
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