well, I guess that I'll write again, why not? hmmmmm

Though I'm not too sure what to write about, two days in a row is a lot after all. Today I went to work from noon till 5:45 and then dad picked me up so I wouldn't have to take our car and pick my sis up later on. And then Blaze picked me up and se sent over to her house, where we had wild pationate sex for 45 minutes strait (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and then we went and rented some movies (stupid Amelie and no english subs) and watched The Majestic and enjoyed chinese food and then I went home and played DDR for a while and now I am writing an entry.

before work, I got up and had some potato salad while watching the first quarter (about) of ET, which is alctually quite a good movie and I haven't watched it in too long.

I have to remember to make Blaze a locket picture and to love her always [ :o):o):o) ] so there :) and now I think that I'll either fall to sleep or listen to a star trek booktape.

1:01 am - June 23, 2002
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