Hi there, it's late and I'm tired and working on my stupid philosophy assignment that I left for too long and wel... here we are. It's actually taking a long time to finish, longer then I expected and that sucks cause I have a test tomorow and if I stay up all night I'll be dead but if I don't finish this assignment now then I dunno when I will finish it cause I have two tests in the next two days that I haven't studies for yet and then the assignment is due... well whatever.

I had a chance to talk with Mawce today and that was good I think, I mean I know that he doesn't really like phones and such but it was still really great to have a real conversation with him, I'm just so shy it's very hard for me to talk to people, expecially in person but Mawce is very cool and I'd like to know him better.

My love, Blaze had a bada day and that sucks for her. She scratched up her neck. I don't get to see her till tomorow, but I'm worried now, I'd love nothing more then to go over there right now and hold her and make her feel better but no, unfortuneately that's not really possible, at least I get to see her tomorow.

Anyways, enough bladding, and back to philosophy!

1:44 am - November 20, 2002
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