more chainmail
This is just like me, to obsess about odd things, and though I can't imagine ever getting tired of making chainmail, just watch, in a week, I'll have forgotten all about it. I'm trying to decide if I should order some rings from the net, there's a great site with low prices so it wouldn't be very expensive at any rate. There's so many cool things that I could use, including green anodized aluminum (and black too) all the way through stainless steel and titanium and sterling silver and copper, brass, bronze... it's hard to choose. I want to get some really small rings too, to make chainmail rings.

it's just so cool :):):) it's kind of like any other craft - bracelet making or sewing, but with metal!

Anywyas, I really need to stop staying up late, and get to bed.

Brunch tomorow... yay!


1:54 am - February 09, 2003
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