Life lately...
Well I should make an entry but I am a bit out of practice. I suppose that doesn't mean much since writing isn't exactly hard, just easy to ignore.

I'm playing with my new DVD burner and I got DVD Studio Pro 3 to try to make some DVDs but it's quite a complicated program so just figuring it out has been hard. Though I am about ready to burn my first DVD. which is actually a divx that I downloaded and then converted to MPEG-2 with AC3 audio to make it all happy and such. and I added a menu of sorts so it's all good. Kind of funny that DVDs aren't much more expensive then CDs. Now I can bring piracy to a whole new level, yippee.

I'm also trying to learn Final Cut Pro 4 since my latest fixation is video editing but this program is fairly complex and I don't even know where to start with using it. I've read about 100 pages of the 1400 page manual so I have an idea of what to do but even the conceps of video editing are vague to me so I really need to learn a lot.

As for real life, I've been trying to make more connections with people lately. at work I've been trying to talk to the front gate girls and such, and trying to do stuff with Bethany and I visit Laura sometimes and of course I've seen Kal, Jas and Crystal a couple times lately. I like visiting and talking but I'm just not very good at the talking part except with a very few people.

Wy cousin is getting married on Sept. 4th and my dad's coming out for a couple days so hopefully I'll get to spend some times with him, and Jason too. He's crazy but also a good friend.

Not too much else, just sitting here and such, I think I'll go and do something with Blaze tonight. My mom and sister are back home and my mom's off work till labour day so I guess I don't get any more time to myself for the rest of the summer, oh well. At least I had two wonderfull weeks where I could sleep with my love every night.

I'm off


6:40 pm - August 16, 2004
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