My day and night
Well people apparently still read my diary, since I got more then one comment about the photo link, which was nice.

I spend tonight just burning a bucnch of DVDs - about 50 gigs of stuff, trying to free up some space on my 200 giger. I also organized my stuff a bit, putting all the movies in one binder, all the tv shows in another and all the playstation games in a third. This will be good for lending the games to Steph without giving away a great big binder with all sorts of other things at the same time.

I'v been downloading a lot of things lately - X-files, Seaquest, Star Trek Voyager, movies, programs, Simpsons, Good Eats, etc... and I think I might get a call from Shaw soon telling be to stop for a while, but I don't really care. They always threaten to shut off the service, but never actaully do, so what's the point in limiting myself? The only point is to avoid the wrtath of mom, which is quite awfull.

I got some work done today on my project for my cousin. Unfortuneately, I started to code using nib4j - a program that lets me use Apple Interface Builder .nib files to build Java GUIs, only to discover a non-documented 'feature' - It only works on Mac. This would seem odd, as Java is a multiple-environment language and I can't see a reason to use it other then cross-platform compatibility. It's slow and not that easy to program. Cocoa with objective-C for mac and C# for Windows are much better languages in terms of ease of use. So why would I expect a Java tool to be tied to one platform hmm? It makes little sense.

I get to go watch amovie tomorow with Steph about extreme piercing, suspension, body art, etc. I'm looking forward to it. I also get to see Donnie Darko, which is a movie that I quite enjoy.

Anyways, this has been a boring entry.


12:32 am - October 01, 2004
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