WELL... I was gonna go to bed at 11:30 and now it 3:06... that's ok I feel good and have lots of energy and for once in a long time I can sleep in tomorrow! I don't think I'm going to worry about studying for a day. I just wrote my 'worse' exam today and it wasn't too bad, go figure studying the stuff helped! I was a bit worries because I haven't gone to most of the classes for three of my courses and I haven't kept up the reading of anything, so I've basically learned half of three courses in 2 weeks, not too bad (I learned the other halves for the midterms). Anyways, the two worse ones are over (Thursday and Friday) and I just have one more on the 28th but it should be ok, so tomorrow, maybe I'll watch a movie or something. I'll probably be lonely because I don't have many friends but that's my own fault, maybe I'll watch a movie or something, I just got gremlins 1 and 2 :-) I think I have too many DVDs - ~200 which is very nice but meh. Over half of them I bought the others are copies. BTW anyone want to come over and watch a movie? Or I can copy them for you. I guess it's technically 'wring' but oh well, usually I just rent a bunch and don't get around to watching them and don't want to have to return them so I make a copy.

Hmm why am I still up now? Well I was on MSN till 3:00 oh well! I think I need to get to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in (or at least not set my alarm). I have to work on my 50% A.I. report that's due on the 30th but it's a group thing so I'm not TOO worried, especially after that final. And the funny thing is that studying this A.I. stuff and actually learning it, I've discovered that it's actually quite interesting! Imagine if I had paid attention in class... I think it's good that after this I'm done school, I just don't seem into in any more, though I did do a TON of work for one class, working on a board. Anyone interested? No? well that's ok, but look here anyways: 523 Page. The coolest part was getting the mini colour LCD working.

OK I'm tired.



3:06 am - April 23, 2005
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