Well here I am in the Dominican lucky me. Internet in 5$ for 30 minutes, not too bad, got to check my marks and e'mail, and thought that I would update. This keyboard in stuck in Spanish mode so I can't use some charachters (like the colon) as I don�t know where they are on the keyboard. So far the trip has been fun, just spent some time on the beach and at the buffets, and yesterday we want on a trip to see the sugar canes and cigar factory and some other stuff. I think these paople are lucky, there�s this one family that has pineapple, passionfruit, mangos, cacao, coffee, vanilla, oranges, bananas and anytrhing else you can think of all growing in thier backyard! It�s very cool. Anyways, tomorrow we�re going on a catamaran tour of some island that�s supposed to be fun, and I stilll have some time so I�ll probably update then as well. Byebye, love you, miss you...


10:32 am - May 09, 2005
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