subjects are stupid...
Hi there.

Well, I dunno, today was a bit of a bummer, I just kinda sat around all morning and did nothing other then watch Star Trek on my computer and ate Pizza. Work was good, nice and busy and some cool chatting with the owner coworker guy and I learned to glaze so now I know how to do everything and can run the store all on my own.

It sucks that I couldn't even see my Blaze today at all and only very brief talking with her :(:(:(:(:( I love her so much and miss her terribly and I won't get to see her probably till Monday unless she comes over Sunday, and now I have to work Monday night :(:(:(:(:(:( but at least we can both have Tuesday all day entirely to ourselves and goto Star Wars and Joes only all you can eat fish and chips (at least that was the plan, but things do have a way of altering our plans :(...)

Tomorow I work at 3:00 till too late and so I probably won't write, not that it matters since no one reads my entries anyways, but oh well..


1:25 am - June 01, 2002
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