Hi there everyone.

Well today wasn't so bad, me and my girl went to see the new Star Wars film and then out for all you can eat fish and chips. Unfortuneately some things went wrong. For one, I now have a huge hickey on my neck and though I really could care less Blaze has been freaking out about it and down't believe that I don't mind so much. And then we spent the evening sleeping and though I know that she wanted to work on webpages and such, I don't think it's very fair to have her mad at me for wasting the evening when she was sleeping just as much as myself and I really didn't force her, we kind of just slept - no one to blame the way I see it. Either way, now she's mad at me and she's also mad that I've been staying up and I know that maybe I shouldn't stay up so late to watch TV every night and I want to try and stop doing it but the fact remains that as tired as it makes me, I really enjoy it because it's the only time I have to myself, what with work during the day and Steph taking up most of my free time, and even if I have a night free my house is a bustle of noise and annoyance and I can't seem to get my free quiet alone time unless I wait until everyone has gone to bed.

I like the night, I really do. The only problem is that during the day times I'm tired far too often and I don't exercise so I have no energy and with new jobs and such I do have to get up before noon so I really shouldn't stay up late, perhaps I could go to bed really early and just get early, that's probably a healthier thing to do. Either way, I'm tired of having people mad at me and I'm tired of not caring about anything at all. Life has been sucking but for no apparent reason so why can't I just suck it up and learn toenjoy what there is. I know to some people that may seem stupid but to me, well as silly as it sounds, enjoying life for a lot of people is more a matter of attitude then anything else (and I'm not being mean to you Blaze, because I know you don't believe that). Nevertheless, I would expect that my mood could improve with the simple act of better communication with family and friends, sleep and excercise. The hard part is to implement this "perfect little plan" and make it work in the real world.

Anyways, those are my thoughts for now, maybe I shold write mroe often, I don't even realize what my thoughts are till I write about them.... hmm... this could be a very good way to keep me sane ;o)


1:07 am - June 05, 2002
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